30th Anniversary Celebration

Bay Presbyterian Church

August 10, 2024


Next Weekend:  Men's #31

Oct 7-22, 2024

Weekend Application here

Men's #31 Verse: 

"For the eyes of the LORD move to and fro throughout the earth that He may strongly support those whose heart is completely His. "  2 Chronicles 16:9a NASB

Rector: Michael Haag

Assistant Rector: Jalmel Coleman

Assistant Rector: Mark Tyler

Chief Aux: Michael Thompson

Assistant Chief Aux: Will Lovell

Music Director: Drew Wolff

Spiritual Director: Dave Starke

Spiritual Director: Richard Gibson

Spiritual Director: Kevin Skipper

Weekend Chairs: Cassandra Kearney, Bailey Moore, 

                         Ashley Gubanc, Kayla Perchinske


Discover Tres Dias 

For those who want to know more about Tres Dias

For New Pescadors

For those who have recently completed a weekend


Tools for the Community to stay in touch